Events in marketing strategy: a “must” if your budget can afford it

Events are a very powerful tool in marketing plans, through which we seek to identify the brand with the audience, creating memorable experiences and generating emotions that link us with them. Many of the objectives set out in marketing strategies can be achieved through this type of activity. It is therefore advisable to earmark part of the overall budget for participation in sectoral events or the organisation of your own events.

Events provide the opportunity to interact with potential customers, partners and suppliers, and are a cross-cutting component of the overall marketing strategy that creates an emotional bond with the brand in our audiences.

As a brand, it is important to participate in industry events for the opportunity to make connections, stay on top of trends, increase your visibility and enhance your reputation within the industry.

However, it is not only about participating in such sectoral events, but also about organising your own events. Thanks to them, we build unique experiences with customers, partners and suppliers, becoming an indispensable tool to foster business and develop personal relationships, thus increasing loyalty, leads and closing sales.

Thanks to events, we generate unique experiences with customers, partners and suppliers, making them an indispensable tool for fostering business and developing personal relationships.

Key benefits of corporate events

Once we know what we want to achieve and who we want to target (i.e. what our objectives are), we will be able to define how to organise our event, and make the most of it. The main benefits include:


One of the most important benefits of the events is networking and business relations, as they can generate commercial collaborations, strategic alliances and new business opportunities.

– Stand out from the competition and generate visibility.

In a market saturated with similar solutions and products, a well-planned marketing and communication strategy coupled with a memorable event can help you differentiate your brand from the competition, highlighting the competitive advantages and unique aspects that make a difference and resonate with your guests. Además, la organización de eventos corporativos o empresariales nos brinda una gran oportunidad de hacer las cosas de forma diferente a otras empresas del sector, lo que nos permite destacar en un mercado cada vez más complejo y competitivo. On the other hand, they help us to position ourselves as experts or benchmarks in our field of activity, as well as making us more visible.

– Fostering long-term relationships.

There’s nothing like personal relationships to foster lasting relationships… And there’s nothing like a face-to-face event to make it happen. Your customers’ loyalty depends on how you treat them.!

– Strengthening your team.

Creating experiences is also valuable for the development of internal relationships within the company. Meetings, conferences and team building activities can strengthen the bonds between team members, improving collaboration and efficiency, and strengthening cohesion between professionals in your organisation. A well-cohesive team is more effective and productive in achieving business objectives.

– To raise awareness of the brand’s values.

Events provide a platform for showcasing brand identity and highlighting its values. Participation in events allows companies to stand out in a more relaxed and creative environment, which can leave a lasting impression on attendees.

– Get direct feedback from your audience.

Experiential events or activities facilitate direct feedback from participants. This feedback can be very valuable in understanding customers’ needs and expectations, as well as in improving the quality of products or services offered.

In short, including an events component in marketing strategies can be very beneficial as it offers a variety of opportunities to interact with potential customers, engage new ones, strengthen the brand and generate business opportunities. And all while staying on top of the latest trends and building strong relationships within the industry.

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