Boost your Brand on Social Media and generate business

Are you contemplating whether to stick with an organic content strategy or go for social media advertising?

Investing in the main social networks will allow you to take a more comprehensive and holistic approach that will allow you to strengthen your brand recognition and boost your conversion goals. We are convinced of the value of combining both formats in your social media strategy.

At Incógnito we help your brand reach new audiences, generate demand and increase sales through differentiated paid media strategies that guarantee the achievement of your objectives.

Do companies invest more in Social Media?

After 2020, a lot has changed.

Ecommerce and other businesses have experienced large variations in the number of customers and sales. They have increased their use of social media as another commercial channel, which has made ads on these platforms more relevant.

Increasingly, social networks are prioritising experiences and paid content over other content. This has led to a drop in organic reach over the last few years, which Hootsuite estimates at 5.5% of the audience.

All of this means that your community is finding it increasingly difficult to see your content and that your content is reaching new audiences.

“Facebook’s organic reach barely exceeds 5% of the audience”

Opt for Social Ads

There is no longer any doubt about the use of social media as part of the communication and marketing plan. But do you know all the benefits of social media advertising?

• It will increase your brand awareness and help improve your online positioning.
• It helps to increase audience engagement and user loyalty.
• It attracts new followers and fosters the growth of a quality community.
Make the desired content visible and promote it.
• It helps to generate new customers and qualified leads.
• It drives conversions and the achievement of other objectives.

At Incógnito, we design, manage and optimise high-level campaigns with a customised strategy of channels and media adapted to your audience and objectives.

Expand your reach and get potential customers by activating campaigns with us in the following media:

  • Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.
  • Display: banners and special formats on websites.
  • Google Adwords: ads associated with organic searches on Google.
  • Performance marketing.

Shall we talk?

If you want to know more, fill in our form. We are fast and discreet.

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