Spokesperson training is essential for any company, organisation or institution that wants to establish clear and effective communication with its audience. A spokesperson is the person responsible for conveying the organisation’s messages and values through the media and other channels. It is therefore essential that spokespeople are prepared to deal with any situation and be able to convey the message clearly and effectively.
In this article we will explore spokesperson training, how you can prepare to become a good spokesperson and the skills needed to be an effective communicator.
Skills needed to be an effective spokesperson
- Topic knowledge. A spokesperson should have a thorough knowledge of the topic to be discussed. They should be able to explain clearly and concisely the most important details and be able to answer questions on the subject.
- Public speaking skills. Being a good spokesperson requires public speaking skills. A good spokesperson must be able to speak in public clearly and concisely, with an appropriate tone of voice, and have the ability to persuade and convince his or her audience.
- Non-verbal communication. Body language and facial expressions are an important part of communication. Good spokespeople must be able to convey the message not only with their words, but also with their body language.
- Active listening. A good spokesperson must be a good listener. He/she must be able to listen attentively to his/her audience and answer their questions effectively.
- Ability to improvise. Sometimes spokespeople are faced with unexpected situations. A good spokesperson must be able to improvise and adapt to any situation.

How to prepare to be a good spokesperson:
- Topic knowledge. Knowledge of the subject is fundamental to being a good spokesperson. To prepare, research the topic and keep up to date with the latest news and trends.
- Practice public speaking. Practice makes perfect. Practising public speaking is essential to improve communication skills and public speaking ability.
- Learn from other spokespeople. A good way to learn is to observe other spokespeople in action. Watching speeches and interviews of other spokespeople can be a great source of inspiration and learning.
- Ask for feedback. Feedback is an effective way to improve communication skills. Asking for feedback from colleagues or friends after a presentation can help identify areas for improvement and correct mistakes in future presentations.
- Simulate interview and presentation situations. In order to be prepared for any situation, you can simulate interview and presentation situations. Practising answers to frequently asked questions or crisis situations can help you to be prepared for any eventuality.
How to choose a good spokesperson:
- Experience. A good spokesperson should have experience in the subject he or she is going to speak about. This ensures that you have the necessary knowledge to answer questions and deliver the message effectively.
- Communication skills. A good spokesperson must have effective communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. You must be able to speak clearly and persuasively in public and convey the message with your body language.
- Media literacy A good spokesperson must have an understanding of the media and how they work. They must be able to adapt the message to different media and be able to handle crisis situations.
- Empathy. A good spokesperson must be able to empathise with his or her audience. They should be able to understand the needs and concerns of their audience and tailor the message accordingly.
- Honesty. Honesty is fundamental to a spokesperson’s credibility. They should be able to be honest and transparent in their communication and avoid false or misleading information.
Why is spokesperson training important?
Spokesperson training is important because Spokespeople are responsible for conveying the organisation’s messages and values through the media and other channels. A well-prepared spokesperson can ensure clear and effective communication with their audience.
How to improve public speaking skills?
Public speaking skills can be improved through practice. Theoretical-practical classes can be taken as the training programmes that we develop at Incognito, for groups and tailor-made.
How can an interview or presentation situation be simulated?
You can simulate an interview or presentation situation by practising with other professionals. You can also simulate interviews and presentations or, better still, hire a spokesperson training agency to simulate such interview situations, videotaping them and then analysing the results.
Spokesperson training is essential for any company, organisation or institution that wants to establish clear and effective communication with its audience. A good spokesperson must have effective communication skills, knowledge of the subject matter and the ability to adapt to any situation.
Practice and feedback can help improve communication skills and be prepared for any eventuality.