Brand Ambassadors: from promoting product to boosting corporate culture

Imagine that you are at a shop looking for a particular technology product. You are not sure which one to choose from the various options in front of you. You ask your friends on WhatsApp and one of them mentions that he has been using one of the devices that you can get hold of, and that he is delighted with it. What’s more, he explains how you can set it up, what features make it different from the rest and what advantages he has learned to get out of it as he has progressed in its use. What do you do? You probably take their opinion into consideration and end up deciding on that particular product. This is the power of Brand Ambassadors in action.

By definition, Brand Ambassadors are individuals who, either organically or as part of a planned strategy, actively promote a company’s products, services or values. However, when did they become an integral part of business communication strategies? The truth is that the idea of having brand representatives is not new, but its strategic focus has become more prominent in recent decades, especially with the advent of social media and the growing importance of online reputation.

Sport and brand ambassadors

The term ” Brand Ambassador ” was first coined in association with the world of sports sponsorship. Back in the 70’s, Adidas used the expression to describe professional athletes who promoted their products under a pay-to-play strategy: they either received the product for free for their use or they were paid to wear the brand’s products.

By the early 80’s, this practice was widespread and had become commonplace in sectors such as basketball, where Michael Jordan’s famous contract with Nike in 1984 broke the mould and created the most successful Brand Ambassador story of all time. Since then, this concept has evolved and spread to various industries, becoming a common strategy to strengthen a brand’s image and reputation.

The benefit of a brand ambassador

Why do companies invest in Brand Ambassadors? The advantages are many and significant.

First of all, having authentic and passionate people talking positively about your brand can build trust and credibility among consumers. They also help to broaden the reach of your message and reach audiences that might otherwise be difficult to access. But here is the twist: it is not only about influencing external consumers, but brand ambassadors also play a crucial role in aspects such as attracting and retaining talent, sector insights or defending the positioning of organisations. The impact of ambassadors beyond the sale of products and services, oriented towards the inside of companies, is increasingly evident.

These profiles are much more than just product advocates; they are the storytellers, the advocates of values and the catalysts of corporate success. Incorporating a solid strategy in this regard can make all the difference to the perception of your brand, both for consumers and for the talent you are seeking to attract and retain.

“Brand ambassadors are the storytellers, the advocates of values and the catalysts of corporate success”.

The drive for corporate culture

Internal Brand Ambassadors are employees who, either naturally or as part of a planned strategy, become promoters of what the company stands for (its image, its values, its proposition) within the company. They can be enthusiastic team leaders, committed employees or simply people who are passionate about what they do and the culture of the company. Their importance is significant.

First, internal brand ambassadors can help strengthen cohesion and identity within the company by fostering a sense of belonging and connection to the brand’s mission and values. When employees feel inspired and aligned with the company’s vision, they are more motivated and committed to their work.

They can also play a crucial role in sharing important information within the organisation. They act as key communicators, delivering clear and consistent messages about the company’s objectives, initiatives and achievements. Their ability to connect with their colleagues in an authentic and persuasive way makes them effective channels for internal communication.

In short, internal brand ambassadors are a valuable resource for a company’s internal communication. They not only strengthen organisational culture and promote internal cohesion, but also play a crucial role in attracting and retaining talent. So why not invest in nurturing and empowering these internal supporters? Their potential is unlimited.

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