Internal Communication as a key pillar for Human Resources

Traditionally, the Human Resources area in organisations has been assigned more administrative tasks than communication-related ones. From the management of new hires and leavers to contracts, allowances, holidays or access to training, the heads of these departments rarely entered into the channels of communication between people in the company. Progressively, the internal communication function gained importance, and while in some companies it developed independently of HR, in others it was placed under its umbrella. This has resulted in many former HR professionals finding themselves faced with complex tasks for which they were not prepared.

However, the area of Internal Communication – its deployment, optimisation and promotion – can bring great results to organisations. We will highlight five reasons for this:

1. Strategic Alignment.

Effective Internal Communication ensures that all employees are aligned with the company’s mission, vision, values and objectives. A Qualtrics study carried out in 2022 noted that employees who say that their company’s values, mission and vision match their own not only think less about looking for another job (only 33% compared to 44% of those who do not feel aligned with the company), but are more likely to recommend it as a good place to work (70% compared to 25%).

2. Motivation and Commitment.

When employees feel informed, listened to and valued, their motivation and commitment to the company increases. Different studies highlight that there is a direct relationship between the degree of information and transparency and performance efficiency. Moreover, it is recommended that an integrated communication model should be used that contributes to greater employee engagement with the company.

3. Productivity and Efficiency

Smooth and transparent communication facilitates collaboration between teams, reduces duplication of effort and increases process efficiency. To this end, it is often practical and very useful to deploy productivity tools that contribute to communication between employees and optimisation of working time.

4. Attracting and Retaining Talent

Companies with a good reputation for internal communication are more attractive to top talent. Increasingly, the impact of such communication is being transferred to reputational work assessment platforms such as Glassdoor, which are important for endorsing the decisions of job candidates when they receive a firm offer to join a company.

For a more in-depth look at how internal communication specifically impacts the attraction, retention and promotion of talent within our organisations, we recommend reviewing our detailed analysis in “The strategic importance of internal communication for HR“. This article explores emotional connection, long-term commitment and clarity on career development opportunities as key pillars facilitated by robust internal communication.

5. Managing change

Internal Communication is crucial to the successful management of organisational change, as it helps to reduce uncertainty and resistance to choosing a new work setting. When employees feel the urge to seek new challenges outside the organisation, they may not be aware that they can also develop them internally; to this end, communication should communicate opportunities in their own company, as well as experiences of other colleagues, ongoing initiatives (even in delegations to which they do not belong) and everything that can lead them to see their organisation as a more dynamic, creative and open environment for transformation and career development.

In short, Internal Communication is not a luxury. It is a strategic investment that directly impacts the success of your business. Implementing an effective internal communications strategy can help you improve strategic alignment, employee motivation and engagement, productivity, efficiency, talent attraction and retention, and change management.

Recommendations for improving Internal Communication

  • Define a clear strategy. It is essential to set specific and measurable objectives for Internal Communication.
  • Use appropriate Communication Channels. Choose the most appropriate channels for each type of message and target audience.
  • Encourage two-way Communication. Create spaces for employees to express their ideas and opinions.
  • Measure and Evaluate Results. Monitor the impact of Internal Communication in the company.

Internal Communication is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and effort. Investing in an effective strategy in this regard is investing in the future of your company.

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