Incognito agency is here, a digital marketing and communication agency that combines experience and technology.
Directed by Carlos Molina, the new proposal develops its own methodology adapted to the current scenario: Context Communication.
Public relations is a crucial part of the success of any business or brand. But how can you be sure that your message reaches your target audience effectively? How can you improve your company’s image and build lasting relationships with your customers and other stakeholders? This is where the PR agency comes into play.
Incognito is a new digital marketing and communication agency project adapted to the changing scenario of 2020. Created at the beginning of the year and directed by the expert in corporate communication and digital strategy Carlos Molinaand presented as a company in which knowledge of new technologies and years of experience in the sector are combined to provide visibility and business solutions for brands in all types of sectors.

The agency proposes its own approach, Context Communication, which prioritises the analysis of what surrounds organisations in order to develop effective strategies that take advantage of their own context and that of the actors within it. Analyse, understand, project, plan and measure are the steps that constitute this working procedure. It is applied in three areas: Communication, Marketing and Business, with an emphasis on services such as storytelling development, corporate training, internal communication and digital content generation.
Without making noise and living up to its name, Incógnito has already developed projects this year for all kinds of entities, from entertainment companies to energy, business consultancy or industrial production.
At the helm of Incógnito is Carlos Molina. With nearly twenty years of experience in the world of corporate communications, he has specialised in the development of strategic content and marketing plans. He was managing director of the agency Best, has worked as an independent consultant advising several communication agencies on business development and is an active lecturer. He collaborates with organisations such as the Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación (Dircom), the Escuela de Periodismo de Unidad Editorial, the Escuela Internacional de Comunicación (EIC) and the Universidat Jaume I de Castellón (UJI).