The fundamental role of Branding for startups

Critical stages of a startup

Many start-ups go through similar stages along the way. One of the most critical moments is the time to make a leap in visibility or awareness.

Requirements for success

To make that leap, it is essential to have vision, technological skills and know-how, a team to move forward with, and financial support.

However, it is also necessary to support the product with more than just commercial effort: it requires a brand image, a unique discourse and the ability to reach out to target audiences.

Identifying startup needs

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The importance of Branding for a startup

Why is Branding important for a startup?

Startups often have limited resources to grow in their early stages of development.

They start from an idea to activate a minimum viable product from which to scale the business.

They need to accelerate sales generation and make their proposition attractive to both investors and their target audience.

At this early stage, the time they have to build their image is minimal and they cannot give it the attention it requires.

Moving from a small to a solid and evolving project requires a fundamental combination, including branding.

It also helps to reflect the offer accurately, to give the offer solvency and to improve visibility to the target audiences.

Branding is more than just a beautiful, modern image: it is the whole ecosystem of resources that define, unfold and articulate the company’s messages.

With well-defined branding, the startup stands out, builds trust, establishes connections and increases visibility in the market.

The three dimensions of effective Branding

The development of a branding process must consider three important dimensions in order to build the company’s image and discourse in a successful way:

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FAQs on Branded Content

Branded Content is undoubtedly a very effective marketing strategy! It is based on the creation of relevant and engaging content that is closely associated with a company’s brand. This technique seeks to establish an emotional connection with the audience and build a positive perception of the brand, without resorting to direct commercial promotion.

It is crucial to bear in mind that branded content is based on a partnership between the brand and the media. Here, a financial consideration is established for the production and dissemination of the content, allowing for a mutually beneficial partnership.

A winning strategy that can take your brand to the top!

Branded Content can be placed in various channels and media, such as:


Collaborate with relevant media to publish articles, interviews, features or opinion pieces that highlight your brand’s values and purpose.

  • Example 1: A well-known fashion brand partners with a prestigious style magazine to create a series of articles and videos on the latest trends of the season.

The content, carefully designed to fit the magazine’s aesthetic, presents the brand’s products in a subtle but effective way, generating a significant increase in brand visibility among its target audience.

  • Example 2: A travel agency works with a well-known digital travel media to produce a series of inspirational videos about exotic destinations and unique experiences.

In each video, the travel agency stands out as the ideal choice for planning these adventures, generating interest and trust in potential travellers.

Radio shows and podcasts:

Tap into the audience of popular radio shows and podcasts to raise awareness of your brand and reach new audience segments.

  • Example 1: A nutritional supplement brand sponsors a podcast focused on health and wellness, where experts in the field share tips and experiences related to healthy living. During the podcast, it is mentioned in a natural way how the brand’s products can complement a balanced diet, reaching an audience interested in taking care of their health.
  • Example 2: A leading bank in services for entrepreneurs finances a radio programme dedicated to inspirational stories of entrepreneurship and business success. During the programme, the services and advice offered by the bank to support entrepreneurs in the growth of their businesses were highlighted.

Film and TV series:

Consider including your brand or products in audiovisual productions that connect with your target audience.

  • Example 1: The management team of a leading sports equipment brand becomes the protagonist of a film about the launch of an iconic basketball shoe model. A pair of trainers associated with the man who became the greatest basketball player in history (Greatest Of All Times, or GOAT). Sound familiar? 😉
  • Example 2: An iconic children’s doll is brought to the big screen in a film that becomes a blockbuster, revitalising a carefree lifestyle and a colourful, colour-blind aesthetic.
  • Example 3: A luxury car brand partners with a popular TV series and provides state-of-the-art vehicles for the main characters to use in the storyline. The presence of the cars in the series reinforces the brand’s image as synonymous with elegance and prestige.
  • Example 4: A well-known beauty brand gets its products used by the protagonists of a romantic comedy film in key scenes. This Product Placement strategy allows the brand to reach a massive and diverse audience, achieving greater awareness and recall of its products.

Social networks such as Instagram and TikTok:

On Instagram and TikTok, the Branded Content stands out for its focus on creativity and authenticity. Influencers, Instagrammers and content creators can post sponsored content that showcases the use of the brand’s products or services in their daily lives. Brand-related challenges and contests are also popular to encourage community participation and increase the reach of sponsored content.

  • Example 1: A fashion clothing brand partners with several instagrammers who have a large following interested in fashion trends. Instagrammers post creative photos and videos wearing the brand’s garments, tagging the brand’s official account and using the campaign hashtag. This strategy allows the brand to reach a wider and more diverse audience, while the instagrammers benefit from the association with a recognised brand.
  • Example 2: A hair care company launches a TikTok Challenge in which it invites users to show their best hairstyles using its products. To encourage participation, the company teams up with popular content creators on TikTok who already have a loyal fan base and can inspire others to join the challenge. The challenge quickly went viral, generating a large number of creative and shareable videos on the platform.

TV programme:

In a TV programme, Branded Content can be presented through Product Placement, where the brand’s products or services are naturally integrated into the programme’s storyline. Collaborations can also be made to create sponsored segments or sections that align with brand values and reach a wider audience through traditional television.

Branded Content is also possible through the production of exclusive audiovisual content that is broadcast on the brand’s channel or on digital platforms. This content can include series, micro-programmes or documentaries that reflect the brand’s values and generate a closer connection with the audience.


Branded Content on Twitch can be realised through collaboration with popular streamers and content creators on the platform. They can live stream or create sponsored clips and videos that highlight the brand’s products or services while interacting with their audience in real time. Advertisements in the home sections or in channel information panels are also effective ways of exposing branded content to viewers.

  • Example: A video game company runs a Branded Content campaign on the streaming platform. It partners with popular streamers, who play their new titles and provide entertainment to their followers while interacting with the game. The brand also provides exclusive rewards to viewers who join the stream, increasing participation and engagement of the player community.


On YouTube, branded content can take the form of sponsored videos on the channels of brand-relevant content creators. These videos can include reviews, tutorials or fun content showing how the brand’s products or services integrate into everyday life. In addition, YouTube ads also provide an opportunity to introduce branded content to a wider audience before they play the main videos.

  • Example: A food brand teams up with several YouTubers known for their cooking and food-related content. YouTubers create videos where they use the brand’s products to prepare delicious recipes and share useful tips for viewers. This strategy not only shows the versatility of the products, but also builds brand trust through personal recommendations from content creators.

It is important to mention that, regardless of the platform, Branded Content should be integrated organically and coherently with the content creator’s or programme’s regular content in order to achieve greater impact and audience acceptance. In addition, it is essential to measure and analyse the results of Branded Content campaigns in order to adjust future strategies and obtain the maximum return on investment.

Branded Content, in contrast to Product Placement, focuses on creating valuable content related to the brand identity, where the brand is an integral part of the story or theme of the content.

Unlike Product Placement, Branded Content seeks to convey a deeper message and generate a meaningful experience for the audience, rather than simply showcasing the product in an unobtrusive way. In this way, Branded Content allows for an emotional and authentic connection with the audience, which can lead to greater impact and brand recognition in the minds of consumers.

Product Placement is commonly found in films, TV series, entertainment programmes and music videos, where products are subtly shown within the plot.

On the other hand, Branded Content can be located in the same channels and media mentioned above, but the story and format are adapted to the specific medium.

In this way, it achieves a deeper integration of the brand into the content and seeks to generate a meaningful experience for the audience, rather than simply showcasing the product in an unobtrusive way. Both strategies are effective in connecting with the public and promoting brand recognition.

To implement a successful Branded Content strategy, it is important:

  • Know your target audience and their needs to create relevant and engaging content.
  • Remain consistent with the brand’s values and identity to generate authenticity in the content.
  • Work with content creators or influencers who connect with your target audience and have an affinity with your brand.
  • Use digital platforms and social media to maximise reach and viral sharing of content.

By investing in Branded Content, your company can:

  • Connect emotionally with the audience, creating a closer and more positive relationship.
  • Strengthen brand image and build trust among potential customers.
  • Reach wider audiences and expand brand visibility in the digital environment.
  • Stand out from the competition by highlighting the company’s values and purpose.
  • Build loyalty with existing customers, increasing loyalty and repeat purchases.

To measure the impact of your Branded Content strategy, you can use various metrics such as social media reach and engagement, increase in web traffic, number of conversions and brand mentions in the media.

In addition, it is important to consider increased sales or brand awareness as key indicators of success.

These metrics will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your content and adjust your strategy based on the results obtained. Remember that proper measurement will allow you to make informed decisions to optimise your Branded Content efforts and achieve your marketing objectives more effectively.

Want to know more about branding?

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