Top 5 mistakes made on landing pages (from an SEO perspective)

In the current era, terms such as landing page or pillar page no longer create awkward faces or doubts since these are words that we have been hearing for a few years now, and even more so when they have become key elements for digital marketing strategy of many companies in various sectors.

A landing page is a web page specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or sales. This page is where users land after clicking on a link from an ad, email, social media post or other traffic sources. It is essential that these pages are well optimised to fulfil their function and convert visitors into leads.

A pillar page, on the other hand, is a base page that hosts a large amount of generic content and links to content that deepens the topic through links to various cluster content.

Do you really know what the purpose of a landing page is?

Its main objective is to guide visitors to a specific action, such as completing a registration form, downloading content, making a purchase, among others. To achieve this, the landing page must be clear, persuasive and focused on the interests and needs of the target audience.

Landing pages are a widely used tool in digital marketing, as they allow you to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and improve their performance through A/B testing and other optimisation techniques. They are also an excellent way to generate leads and increase online sales.

However, even though we have been working with them for years, it is still common to see several mistakes that are made from an SEO perspective and that must be avoided if we want our landing page to be successful in search engines and, therefore, attract traffic.

What are the main mistakes?

These are the main errors and their respective solutions

1. Loading time: Loading time is a very important factor as it affects the user’s experience on the page and may cause the user to leave if it takes too long to load. “53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take more than 3 seconds to load. A 2-second delay in load time resulted in abandonment rates of up to 87%.”

2. Relevant content: Relevant content is important for SEO as it helps users find what they are looking for and helps Google understand what the page is about.

3. Responsive design: Responsive design is important on a website because it allows the page to adapt to any screen size and device on which it is viewed. This makes navigation easier and faster, reduces bounce rates, and makes it easier to share content on social networks.

4. Meta descriptions and titles: Meta descriptions and titles are important for SEO as they appear in search results and can affect click-through rates.

5. Internal links, alt tags and friendly URLs: Internal links, alt tags and friendly URLs are important for SEO as they help Google understand website structure and image content and can affect click-through rates.

Sound familiar?

Take a look at your web structure and your current SEO positioning to make a brief audit and make the necessary changes to improve the results of your strategy.

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