Podcast: an unstoppable phenomenon impacting brands and businesses

Over the past three years, Europe has seen an unparalleled evolution of the podcast as a communications channel, an exciting prospect for advertisers looking to engage loyal and engaged consumers. In Spain, two out of five people listen to podcasts at least once a month. In fact, four out of ten Internet users claim to have listened to a podcast in the last month, according to data from the iVoox Observatory.

According to this latest report, podcast consumption in our country has doubled in one year. 42.5% of users listen to them daily, reaching an average of 9.5 hours of listening per week compared to the 18.9 hours per month recorded in 2021. Its consumption has become a daily habit in the lives of 42.5% of listeners.

How to make a podcast for your company?

Part of the popularity of the podcast comes from the fact that anyone can create one, because of the ease of production required today. But, first of all, the first thing to think about when thinking about a podcast is the message you want to convey. What are we going to talk about? Of services, of a product or of a particular brand?

On the other hand, who are we going to address? Are they customers, employees, subject matter experts, the general public? Finally, what format are we going to use? For the general public, elements can be taken from journalistic genres, such as an interview with a guest or a chronicle.

For employees, storytelling and fiction formats can be adopted to dramatize business situations, sales, complaints handling, etc.

Main advantages of having a podcast in your company

Improves corporate image and helps you to do good branding

Getting started in the world of podcasting can be one of the objectives to improve your company’s image abroad and make yourself known to those who have not yet had the pleasure of doing so. To do this, create a list of topics you can talk about, special guests you’d like to share podcasts with, and topics of interest, and start creating your scripts.

A more economical format than others

To record it, you must have a program that allows you to record the voices, edit them, insert music clips, transitions and other previously generated sound resources. What we strongly recommend is that you get a good microphone to ensure good sound quality for your listeners. You can create your own “recording studio” in your office, in your home office or in a space where you know there will be silence so you can record quietly and where no one will disturb you. And if all this is too complex for you or you don’t have the necessary resources, you might want to talk to us, we have experience and we are very nice.

Ideal format for loyalty and differentiation

In the event that your competitors also offer this radio format, you can learn and research to improve the content of yours and stand out from them. In this way, you will be able to create closer and more interesting content with topics that really interest your followers, who, thanks to this format, will multiply over time. The goal is to find those topics that interest your target audience and allow you to sell your products or services. It’s a win-win in every sense of the word. You offer tips, hints or techniques that you know will be interesting to your audience and, in return, you get more listeners.

A way to improve your SEO

Undoubtedly, podcast hosting platforms (such as iVoox or Spotify) guarantee an improvement in the organic positioning of our brand, in addition to the fact that thousands of users have access to these platforms, with what this can mean for the dissemination of our podcasts. And if this were not enough, having a podcast also allows us to increase the conversion rate of our products or services. How is this possible? Well, thanks to the confidence we transmit to our potential clients through the most human thing you can find at radio level: our voice. At Incognito we have ventured into this format and we want you to know “ The MOE Cave “. This podcast, which is also a video podcast, has little to do with the Simpsons character and much more to do with the world of communication and marketing. In “La Cueva de MOE”, the professionals of the sector that make up the agency will address different topics related to this sector, from the world of social networks to corporate reputation and crisis communication. All through real cases and the experience of many years working in communication agencies. Because MOE is Message, Objectives and Strategy.

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