How to improve your company’s internal communication

A couple of weeks ago we talked about internal communication and its importance in any company.

Because of its importance, it is necessary to invest both resources and time in order to create the optimal strategy and improve your company’s internal communication.

Ways to know if your company’s internal communication is good

Communication between employees is the network on which business must be based. Without good communication, it is practically impossible to achieve the objectives, as the members of the organisation will not feel part of the organisation and will not work towards a common goal: the success of the company.

To begin with, you need to have certain tools that allow you to measure, quantify and assess how information is being disseminated and how team members are communicating. These tools can be surveys, evaluations or polls. You can learn about other measurement techniques in our post “Everything you need to know to measure internal communication”.

There is also a need for a common platform on which the efficient exchange of messages can take place. It is recommended that the platform is intuitive, easy to use and allows you to access the different people on the staff.

The training of the professionals who will be in charge of creating this climate of communication is of the utmost importance. You need to educate yourselves on the subject in order to be able to take the most relevant measures for your company.

Tips for improving internal communication

Once you have identified whether your internal communication management is on track, it is time to get down to work to make it as cost-effective as possible. Here are some tips that will make internal communication stand out in your company:

The importance of the corporate manual

This tool is essential for any company. New employees will be able to access all company information easily and independently. These manuals cover everything from a welcome message, to company objectives, brand personality, tone of voice and the correct and incorrect uses of artwork.

If the handbook is well written, adapting to the new work environment will be much easier, as your objectives and tasks will be clearly marked out.

The suggestion box, a great ally

For internal communication to be as transparent and true to reality as possible, elements such as trust, transparency and respect must be part of the equation. However, we understand that there are issues that employees may not feel comfortable dealing with by showing their identity.

A suggestion box is a very simple resource to implement that will elicit honest and transparent feedback from employees, leaving aside fear or embarrassment.

Encourage active listening among employees

Internal listening between different employees is the basic and possibly the most necessary element for internal communication to develop. This will strengthen relationships and also serves to check that our employees are in tune with the company’s values.

The best way to encourage this listening is horizontal communication, so that everyone is aware of the different projects and what is going on in the company, leaving hierarchies aside. The result is trust and comfort with and within the company.

Internal communication is really useful and necessary for all companies, but it will only work if the necessary time and resources are invested in it.

Read you soon!

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