At this point in 2022, we don’t think it is necessary to comment on or explain the success of TikTok as a social network. However, it is a fact that, since the pandemic, its dramatic advance has generated a great deal of interest in finding the best TikTok strategy for brands.
Being present on this platform offers many benefits in terms of visibility, outreach and, above all, engagement or interaction. Even more so when advertising with TikTok Ads has already gained ground, offering businesses greater possibilities for growth and conversion, not to mention the option of online shopping within the same platform.
According to Statista, the estimated number of monthly active users of this network by 2022 is 755 million. Any brand wants to be where its audience is, but the million-dollar questions are: to whom, how and in what format?

Who uses TikTok?
The brand communities generated on TikTok are increasingly influencing users. As a social network, it has proven to have a great capacity for generating engagement with a total interaction rate of 67.5 million and estimated efficiency levels ofover 1,800% compared to Instagram, according to the Epsilon Technologies study. “Epsilon Icarus Analytics Panel on TikTok usage among Spanish companies 2022”.
Today, there is still the belief that the only consumers of TikTok are the youngest. Therefore, the above figures seem to make more sense, as we tend to believe that it is the members of the Z and Alpha generations who spend all day glued to their mobile phones creating and sharing content on this social network. However, a study by Rebold highlights that there has been an increase among the more adult audience. The 45-54 age bracket rose from 17% to 19%, which makes almost 40% of users over the age of 30.
On the other hand, under-18s account for 28% of its users. The 19-29 age bracket accounts for 35%, while those aged 30-39 account for 18%. Finally, those over 39 make up 19% of the community.
With the diversity of audiences on the platform, it is imperative to find the best TikTok strategy for each brand.
What formats connect best with the audience?
As has always been said, there is no magic formula or mathematical equation for success in social media. Every brand knows its audience and can connect with them in different ways and at different times: there is no one format for every brand.
For example, here’s a button. According to the Epsilon panel, the top 10 most successful brands in 2022 in Spain are: National Police, Platanomelon, Starbucks, Carrefour, Hawkers, Dia, RedBull and Iberdrola. If you analyse them, you will see how each one reinforces what works best for them.
What we are seeing more and more is the way in which brands have moved away from conservative strategies focused on selling and have opted for other, more humanising formats. You probably know the case of Ron Barceló, a brand that instead of speaking from a corporate point of view has developed its brand image around “Roni”, a kind of character (the brand’s community manager) who speaks one-on-one with followers. So much so that many might consider him a friend.
We show you other examples to make it clearer:
Washington Post
One of the oldest and most recognised newspapers in the US capital, it has one of the most engaging accounts in the US with almost 1 million followers. Through their character Dave, they create content under the edutainment strategy, interacting in an informative way while entertaining millions of people.
This language learning app has 4.6 million followers of TikTok and part of that is due to its change in strategy and the way it connects with its audience. Duolingo replaced its foreign language advice videos with its mascot “Duo” as the face of the brand.
Nowadays, he uses an approachable and fun tone when creating his videos, taking advantage of the trends of viral songs. But, undoubtedly, what he has made the most of is the similarity of his name to that of the singer Dua Lipa, with whom he confesses to be in love and with whom he practices and simulates real situations by highlighting phrases and expressions in English, which revives the connection with his brand purpose.
Despite this trend, at Incognito we are very interested in another format that works in a very particular way: User Generated Content (UGC) or content created by users, something that was commonplace a decade ago in social networks and is now making a strong comeback. There are already several brands that instead of using a company profile speaking as a brand or through a face or character, create profiles that publish UGC content and enrich not only the branded content, but also boost awareness and engagement in an organic way.
Do you know of any examples of this format? What do you think is the best TikTok strategy for brands?