Why we should end persuasive copywriting

Let me tell you a story. I have been involved in communication for years. In its many forms. Well. After thirty years in the trade, my mother still doesn’t know what my job is. No idea. “He does writing things,” she tells her friends. She is partly right. Writing is one of my income generating tools. The rest of the things I do, we don’t even talk about. Of persuasive copywriting, even less so.

Persuasive copywriting. Pronounce it with a bit of an accent. Note the W and the R, with an accent. That’s what this post is about. Don’t you know what persuasive copywriting is? Well then, you´re losing money.

Read on if you want to change your situation. If you want to stop losing money. If you want to know what you need to do with the way you write texts for your business.

I’m going to tell you about it.

Cause I’m very generous.

And I’m going to explain the tricks to make your words a money-making machine.

Look closely.

First of all start with an bland but relatable story. Something that rings a bell. If possible, start with a story that sounds personal, something we can all empathise with.

(Spoiler: my mother does know what I do).

Then write in a straightforward manner. Speak to the reader in a familiar way. As if you’ve known them all your life.

If possible, offend. Mock the simplicity of the interlocutor. “You’re not one of those who…?”. “If you want to keep losing money, stop reading”. “”Some prefer to be idiots; others read this post”. Believe it or not, we tend to think that those who write like this do so because they have truth and reason on their side. It has authority.

Use short phrases. Very short. Really short. Make it easy, to avoid that a subordinate clause prevents them from understanding the text.

And add interlining like there’s no tomorrow.

One paragraph after another.

And one more.

Convince your interlocutors that complex things can be said in a simple way. Assure them that it’s all about believing what you’re writing, that you’ve “been there, done that” and that you’ve come from the world of success to share a glimpse of it with others.

Because even though you could have kept the tricks of persuasive writing to yourself, you have decided to share them with others and spread this form of writing, supposedly designed to convince. Another thing is that copywriting, understood in this way, gives the results you expect or is the panacea for all content creators. No, it does not allow to explain easily what is difficult; what is complex requires the deployment of different levels of depth. It is one thing to make oneself understood and quite another to use few words to do so.

What this type of writing, which proliferates in newsletters (especially those that talk about persuasive writing), websites and white papers, will allow is that your style will be exactly the same as that of thousands or millions of people. For this journey, all you need is generative artificial intelligence. And we already have it. Please, let’s put an end to persuasive copywriting and start convincing with valuable content.

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